FREE Blogger Business Templates

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Here are some of my favorite Free Blogger Template that are good for using on your business blog. Or just for giving yourself a professional looking blog whether you use it for business or other purposes. These are just some of my favorites. I have so many but I didn't have time to list all of them.

Remember, when you are looking at a template overlook the heading and pictures they show on the Demo because your blog will look different once you upload your own customized header and pictures. You are basically looking at the overall structure, fonts, and color scheme to see if that is what you want.

Remember, these free blog templates are for use only for Blogger blogs.

I am only including screenshots of the templates. To download them you will need to visit the websites or blogs that are actually hosting the files.

FREE Blogger Business TemplatesDeep Forest: This is a two column XML layout designed for use with the newest version of Blogger. It’s a fixed width and will fit perfectly on an 800×600 screen size and also works on wider screens as well. It has a permanent RSS Feed link in the heading. Author: se7en

FREE Blogger Business TemplatesFree Premium Red: This template is originally a WordPress theme created by R. Bhavesh. It has a very professional and sleek look about it. I also like the color scheme because it is easy on the eyes. I could see changing the header (where the dark red is located at the top) to a dark blue, green, beige or other colors to match your business website.

FREE Blogger Business Templates
Ad Theme: A wonderful Web 2.0 popular blog layout with some great built in ad spots (hence the template name) and features. It’s either a two or 3 column template so you get the best of both worlds. This Blogger template has almost all the features you need are already built in. On top of that, it’s quite easy to setup and makes your blog look like a professional site without much effort.

FREE Blogger Business TemplatesYoğurt: Ivan , the author of ZonaCerebral converted a Wordpress template to Blogger xml template. I believe it is in Spanish but there is a help document included.

FREE Blogger Business Templates
Summer Fruit: This stylish red, white, and black template was originally created by Carl Mason for WordPress and called SummerFruit but has been ported over to a Blogger template by Jacky Supit.

FREE Blogger Business TemplatesPeaceful Rush:This template was originally designed by our favorite WordPress designer, small potato. His work is used all over the blogosphere and his designs are very well known. This is another one that BlogCrowds has taken and converted into a Blogger template.Remember to overlook the picture at the top of the screen. That is the header area and can easily be changed.

Here are some of my favorite FREE blogger templates sites. You will find a variety of Blogger and even Word Press templates on these sites.
These sites have lots and lots of templates to choose from. They usually give you instructions for downloading, installing, and tweaking the HTML code if you need to as well.

Notice: If you are uncomfortable with modifying HTML code you should pick a template that does not require it. Remember, all you really need to do is to download the template file and upload into Blogger for it to work. You may have to recreate gadgets unless you back them up but you should not have to tweak the HTML code.

When you want to change your template you are doing these basic things:
  1. Find and download a new template which is usually file.
  2. Backup your current blog template (optional)
  3. Upload the new template file.
  4. Customize your new template by changing fonts, colors, and adding gadgets.
How to install the new template:
  1. Go to and sign into your account
  2. Click the Layout tab.
  3. Click Edit HTML.
If you already have your blog setup you will want to back up your current blog template in case something goes wrong or you do not like the new template once you have it install. If you are starting with a new blog then just skip this step.

How to backup your existing template:
  1. Click Download Full Template.
  2. When the window pops up find where you want to save that file on your computer.
  3. Click Save.
How to install the new template:

You do not have to know how to copy or paste HTML code.
  1. From the Edit HTML tab click on the Browse... button.
  2. Find the template file (usually ends with .xml) on your computer.
  3. Click on that file and then click Open.
  4. Click the Upload button.
Once you click Upload you might get a message that certain widgets/gadgets will be deleted. If you are fine with that click Upload or OK (not sure what the button reads).

How to customize the look of your template or add gadgets:

Elements you may want to customize on a template to make it your own:
  • Header
  • Fonts
  • Link colors
  • Background image or color
  • Sidebar header colors
Go to the Page Elements tab. You can add Gadgets and drag them around wherever you want on the screen. Some templates that you get will let you change the fonts, background colors, heading colors, etc. easily by clicking on the Font and Colors tab. If you go there and there are no options then the template you picked does not have that feature and you can only change these things by going into the HTML.

Customizing things like background colors, sidebar colors, font type and color, etc. can often be found by clicking in the Layout tab and then Fonts and Colors.

If you do not see any options for customized these things when you click this tab then you will have to tweak the HTML code. In the future I will explain more about how to tweak the HTML code for things like fonts, backgrounds, color, etc.

You want also want to read more If you want more instructions on how to install a Blogger template.

Please let me know if any of the links above are dead. I am sure some sites will either change or remove templates therefore causing some pages to be dead.

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  1. The Amazing Trips said...

    Wendy, you've done a great job with this site! When I have more of an opportunity, I'll come back and spend some time reading this post and hopefully, I'll figure out how to redo my template.

    I'm in dire need of a blog lift. Although, I must admit, I break in to a sweat at the thought of uploading new templates and/or tweaking anything. With my luck the whole darn thing would disappear!!

  2. URDUSMS said...

    Hmmmm... I like the first one

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