How I Doubled My Adsense Earnings Overnight

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

How I Doubled My Adsense Earnings OvernightIf your blog primarily makes money with Adsense then you should optimize it properly on your site. If you are focusing mainly on affiliate programs then it doesn't matter so much.

Too many bloggers do not have Adsense setup properly on their blog. I have seen this over and over. Why would you put your Adsense ad blocks at the bottom of the page? How many people actually make it to the bottom of your page or stay around that long? Why would you bury your Adsense ads on the sidebar in between badges from other bloggers?

After reading that title of this post you probably think I am trying to sell something or it is a scam. Actually, it is the honest truth. It's not a trick and it happened because of some modifications I did to my blog. I noticed the jump in Adsense earnings within hours of this simple tweak and it continues to stay at that level. I thought you might like to know how you can do it too.

Of course, with blogging and making money with your blog you need readers or visitors to click on your ads. That's the first step. To get traffic you need to have a blog, write informative, topic focused articles that will attract readers, and get relevant, anchored textual, keyword backlinks for your topic and keywords. This post is not about how to get that traffic. If you don't have traffic and are not making any money with Adsense this article will probably not help you. Once you have some steady traffic and are at least making some money with Adsense come back and read this post again.

As women we worry way too much about what people think about our blog. Will they like it? Is it pretty? Will they approve? Do they like me? To make money you have to stop this train of destructive thinking and focus on facts.

To make money blogging you have to think like a businessperson.

When you go into your favorite clothing store, grocery or drugstore do you think they care if you like their business or approve of them? Not really - well maybe a little but that is not how they make money and stay in business. They make the store pretty to keep you there and keep you shopping and buying. They make you feel at home so you will spend money, not to make you like them. Their ultimate goal is to separate your money from your wallet and if they can make you comfortable, happy, solve a problem, or fulfill a need they can do just that.

Stores are arranged in a way that make you want to shop. There is a reason why the milk is at the back of the store. It is so you will have to go through the entire store to get there and along the way you will see "impulse items" and buy more things. Think of Adsense as those impulse items. When strategically placed on your blog they can be a source of income. When they are not placed properly they can either be ignored or an eye soar.

I am always tweaking my blogs because I like to test out different methods of making money with Adsense and other ads, checking out hotspots on my blog, and seeing what people are actually using my blogs for. By testing and tweaking you can learn a lot about what people do while they are visiting your blog and sometimes you can make simple changes that either help you make more money with Adsense. When I learn something new I want to try it out and see if it works. This little trick definitely worked for me and it will work for you too if you are willing to implement it.

Where do you position your Adsense ads on your Blogger blog?

Do you use the checkbox in the Post gadget (Layout | Page Elements) to allow Adsense to put ads under posts? Or maybe you make an Adsense ad block and drag it to the bottom of the page or put it under a long string of ads on your sidebars.

When you click that checkbox Adsense ads will show under the first 3 posts on a page. The keyword here is UNDER. So, if you have a very long article then the reader will absorb all you have to say and THEN see Adsense. Maybe they will click on the Adsense ads and maybe they won't. By that time they have gotten what they came for and might just move on to the next post or next blog.

How I Doubled My Adsense Earnings Overnight
Also, when someone visit yours blog through one of your post pages and does NOT come in through your homepage they are most likely seeing only ONE post and not three. If that is the case then they will only see ONE Adsense ad block UNDER that post so there is less chance they will click on an ad.

When I started blogging this is exactly how I had my Adsense ad blocks setup because I didn't know any better. While you can make money with Adsense setting it up this way there is a more effective way of setting up Adsense to generate more clicks.

Listen to this - DO NOT USE THE STANDARD ADSENSE LAYOUT by placing them between posts or using the monetize option Blogger gives you. By customizing where you have your Adsense ads placed on the page you will most likely double your Adsense earnings.

Where should you place your Adsense ads and why

You should place at least one Adsense ad block at the very TOP of your page ABOVE the post or just below the post title. Why? When someone visits your blog that will be the first block of text they will see. Maybe they will take the time to scroll down and read the article but maybe something in the Adsense text will catch their eye and they will click on the ad and you will make money.

Remember this

When someone is clicking on your Adsense ads or any other ad you have placed on your site they are LEAVING your site. Do you care? If you care too much you won't make money. If they like what they see they will be back. If they don't come back don't worry, there are always plenty of new visitors that can take their place. I now have enough permanent readers and "fly by night" visitors that satisfy my need for readers and people clicking on Adsense ads. Regular readers don't usually click on Adsense ads. Visitors who are passing through or are looking for a solution to a question or problem are your most likely candidates for Adsense clickers.

Do you want to make money with your blog and Adsense?

Recently I tried to help a blogger double her Adsense earnings overnight by using this method and this person tried it for about an hour and removed it. Why? They didn't like the way the Adsense ad block looked at the top of the page. They thought it messed up their blog's image.

That's too bad for them because they are losing out on a lot of Adsense earnings they could be making.

Do you want to make money or do you want to keep your perfect image

I can tell you this. I have a bunch of blogs and have Adsense at the top of everyone of them and it has not hurt my image at all. People still read and my readership is actually growing. The people who want to stay will eventually ignore those Adsense ads and the people who don't want to stay will click (hopefully) and be on their merry way.

You will never please everyone with your blog so why try so hard. Please those who want to hear what you have to say and make money off of the rest.

Blending Adsense to Match your Blog's Style

Another sure fire way to get visitors to click on an Adsense ad is to make sure the Adsense ad block blends in nicely with your blog's style. The way I do it is to make sure it has the same background color and link color as what I am using on my blog. You can also use the same font that you blog is using for the posts so that the Adsense ads look like they were meant to be there.

And, by blending Adsense ads into your blog's color scheme it will look like it is part of your blog layout and is much less annoying. If an ad stands out many people will ignore it or it will be obvious that it is an Adsense ad. The key is to make it blend so that it looks like a natural part of your blog.

How to add an Adsense block at the top of the page

The easiest way to add an Adsense block at the top of the page to help you double your earnings with Adsense is to just create an HTML/Javascript gadget/widget and then drag it just above the Post gadget/widget.

Here's how:

1. Log into your Adsense account.

2. Create an ad by clicking Get Ads and the Adsense for Content.

3. Create an Ad unit. Customize the background, title and link color to make your site's color scheme. Make sure the link color matches so it will look like a part of your blog.

You can use a 486 x 60, 300 x 250, or 336 x 280 banner ad sizes. Do not use a 728 x 90 as it most likely will be too wide to fit just above the post area.

4. When you are done copy the HTML code (CTRL + C on your keyboard).

5. From your Dashboard click Layout next to the blog you want to work on.
Page Elements will be showing.

6. Click Add a Gadget from any area of the Page Elements screen.

7. Click the plus sign next to HTML/JavaScript to add it.

How I Doubled My Adsense Earnings Overnight8. Paste the Adsense HTML you just copied (CTRL + P on your keyboard).

9. Click Save.

10. Drag the Adsense Gadget just above the Post area. Click Save at the top right.

It will take up to 10 minutes for the Adsense ad block to appear on the blog. At that point you will be able to see what it looks like and decide if you want a different size.

If you want your Adsense ad block to be centered then go back to the Gadget, click edit and put <center> before the Adsense code and then </center> after the code.

Try this method and see if your Adsense earnings will double just like mine did. I am super happy at the results and I have no gone back to the way I used to display my Adsense ad blocks.

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  1. Susie Buetow said...

    OK I'm going to try it! I'll report back! Thanks @susieqtpies

  2. Treasure said...

    This is great advice.....thanks for posting Wendy..@treasurecoupons

  3. smoove25love said...

    Hey just thought i would say thank you for the guide it was very helpful, im freshly new to this. i would like to get more advice from a person like yourself with setting up my blog page to the best benefit if thats ok with you my email is i realy could use the help thanks Wendy

  4. Luv2CUSmile said...

    I am just getting ready to start a Blog and you have some great information here. On this specific topic I have a question.
    I assume i will not be able to get into Adsense until I have a following but if I am not using but rather Hostgator or another Platform, then how would I approach this in your "Here's How" section?
    Thank-You for actually helping those of us who are new to Blogging and Social Media Marketing.

  5. Wendy (Sweetie) said...

    Luv2CUSmile - you can setup Adsense the day you setup your blog if you like. It doesn't depend on if you have a following or not. Affiliate programs require some type of proof of traffic so that would come later.

    However, I wouldn't suggest setting up Adsense right away. You really need to get a good 10 posts written before you set it up. Google generates ads based on what you write so it takes time for it to figure out what you site is about. The better focused you are the better your ads will be.

  6. Tess said...

    Hi Wendy! I interviewed you awhile back on my social blog. I love the look of your blog! I was wondering how you put the adsense ads under your post title? Any help appreciated! Thanks!

  7. Wendy (Sweetie) said...

    Tess, I will have to write a post about that. Right now I' swamped because I'm getting ready to go to the Affiliate Summit conference on Saturday and have a lot of things to prepare. Keep watching for the post. You have to go into the HTML of your blog so it's not something I can just easily tell you right now.

  8. Tess said...

    Hi Wendy! I figured it out by doing some research. Im sure this would be a great topic to write about. Now, I'm off to seek traffic to earn some Adsense mula! You are totally my blogging hero and I hope to be able to say the same in a year-would love to earn my living this way.

  9. Wendy (Sweetie) said...

    Tess - good luck with your blog. Making money as a blogger is an uphill battle for awhile. I am still fighting to keep the money up there since we live off of it now. Stay tuned because I am going to write a post about how to actually add Adsense under the post title.

  10. ajay said...

    its a awesome idea man,thanx for this instructions to boost revenue of adsense.

  11. Penny said...

    Thanks so much!!!


  12. Anonymous

    use full links for adsense clickers

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