Blogger Question: Changing Templates and Saving Your Contents

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Blogger Question Changing TemplatesA read asks, if I change a Blogger template will it delete all of the contents?

Yes and No.

If you mean will Blogger delete the posts you have written then the answer is No. Your posts are safe.

However, it is always a good idea to backup both your existing template and your posts in case something goes wrong. Read How to Install a Template to find out step-by-step instructions for backing up your existing template.

Step-by-step instructions for backing up your posts:
  1. From your Blogger Dashboard click Settings.
  2. Click Basic.
  3. Click Export Blog.
  4. Click Download Blog.

    step-by-step instructions for backing up your posts in Blogger
  5. A window will pop up. Click Save File.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Locate where you want to save this file on your computer.
  8. Click Save.
Your posts are downloaded into an .XML file format. The file is given today's date. You can backup your posts whenever you want in this manner. If you move your blog to another host you will want to do this so you can upload that file to start your blog where you left off.

Backup your Existing Template and Gadget Contents:

You will also want to back up your existing template in case something goes wrong. That way you can revert back to the original template to get things back the way they were if needed.

However, whatever you have inside of the gadgets/widgets may be deleted if you change your template dramatically.

You will want to back up the information you have stored in those gadgets before you change templates.

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  1. aakashikapoor said...

    its a nice method,i like this.

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